listening to: Abracadabra, Brown Eyed Girls
today i was walking through Safeway and i saw this elderly couple walking down an isle together. and they were asian. and what you have to know about asians, is that they dont display emotions. at least, the generation before me. it's not a part of our 'culture' and it's not 'expected' of us to display love happiness or excitement. the only emotion that ive seen other than this is anger.
but these two...they were so happy. you could tell. i mean. the guy was still feeling the woman up. -_____- im not a perv. i wasnt checking it out, but it was so sweet. it made me smile. x) i followed them awhile for awhile. i admired them really. i hope ill end up like that someday. wouldnt everybody? :)
this song's lyrics are really real. if you've heard this song, cool. but im only posting the main verses. they're the ones that have the real meaning in it.
epik high's Love Love Love:Verse 1:
Have you ever been in love before?
Falling at first sight, like in the movies?
Spent the entire night talking on the phone?
Bragged to the entire world?
Waited in the pouring rain?
Run like crazy to the one you love?
Secretly guarded?
Gone crazy?
Pretended not to see when you really did?
Verse 2:
I’m sure you have been in love
Spent all your money on your anniversary
Apologized even when you didn’t do anything wrong
Spent entire days writing love letters
Verse 3:
Pushed back promises with your family
Prayed to God for that persons health
Ignored your friends
Missed them
Guarded their leaving figure
Verse 4:
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Had your makeup wash off in the pouring rain?
Cut your long hair?
Started smoking again?
Avoided areas where they might be?
Wrote letters you know you would never send?
Called them while you were drunk?
Had your lips freeze up
Verse 5:
I’m sure you've had a broken heart
Hated them as much as you loved them
Ripped up letters you didn’t read
Deleted the phone number you will never forget
Celebrated anniversaries by yourself
Burned all the photographs
Thought every song about heartbreak in the world was yours
Verse 6:
Cry like an idiot
Get drunk again
Hold on to your friend
And curse that person
Time passes
Get drunk again
Grab the phone
Say love!
time passes. everything will get better.
"Thought every song about heartbreak in the world was yours"get over yourself. there comes a time when you HAVE to stop rolling around and crying out, 'poor me!'. learn to give it time and let it pass. for good.