of my friends Vince is engaged. WOOOW. him and hin fiancee are sooo sweet. you guys make me sick. -_______-. so many 'i love you!'s going around. ahah. im just kidding. i think those two are soo cute. im happy for you guys. i wish you guys the best. just getting it out there. dont want to break up your chains of love letters to each other on FB. ahaha! and i hope everything goes well for Monica in the end. :)
on another note, a bad note, GD dyed his hair! :O why?! now it's blond. ewww...truthfully. look!

there are a lot of things going on for me now. band camp, APUSH, a relationship, friends, and of course my spiritual life. and on top of that, there's a lot of jealousy going through me right now. well, not jealousy, but more like, 'why them. they're really not that great as people make them out to be' and sort of, i get the feeling people take avantage of me. they'll use me as a friend, and then just drop me when convenient. and not many people do that to me, but still. it hurts, no matter who the person. im glad i have such good friends who'll stick by me no matter what. but still, those friends have thier problems, OUR problems. and sometimes i wish we could just drop them, but taht would be unfair to everyone, and so i dont wish so say it aloud. let's just say, i want to do whatever is necessary to work things out.
im sort of like jen. i dont really want to be in the drama. but im here for you guys, ill love you guys every step of the way. and ill be standing right next to you, and you guys can go ahead and treat me like your pillow; hit me, yell to me, vent to me, scream to me, and ill still be here. well. dont hit me please. that would hurt. but you know what im saying. i hope.
i wish the best to kirsten. im not taking sides. i support her. she's strong, and im glad she can be above others and state her opinion strongly. go kirsten! ahahaha
but i also get kikay. i wish you guys would stop whipering. just talk. say it to our faces. there is too much whispers. dont be cowards. we're all friends here.
i dont really want to go on. but. what i say is all true. and if you're bothering to read this, then please take this to heart. becuase i hope you're as serious about this as i am. as serious as wanting others to be happy as i am. if not, then you're not worth having as a friend. what kind of friend in this world wouldn't want thier's to be happy? huh. you tell me.
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