
nothing to say but that im PISSED. what the fuck. i swear. im pissed as hell. fuck you and all of your standards. im sick and tired of trying to reach them and then get slapped back down. you never live up to your words, huh? once i reach your pathetic excuses of goals, you just give me another. punish me? ME? fuck you. im sick and tired of this. im sick and tired of you. grow up. GROW UP. why the hell are you treating me like this when i do everything you ask of me and more? i shaped up this year for you. im trying to get straight A's. im focusing more on my future, im aiming for scholarships. what more do you want from me? i can give you no more than what i can manage. dont be lecturing me on these things when you werent even able to achieve them yourself when you were my age becuase you were just pathetic enough like that. dont take it all and give nothign back. that's all i ahve to say.

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