last night i had another dream. except, this one was about me dying. and...that is not a great feeling. being choked to death. it's like, you can literally feel your walls of your throat caving in and sqeezing shut. and there's nothing you can do about it. and when he finally lets go, it feels like your walls will never come back up.
these dreams are scary. ): i wonder why i have them. i wish i have more pleasant dreams. like my friends. :D oh well.
complex day ahead of me. ive gotten in the habit of putting everything off until last minute. it's a miracle that i'm even allowed to go out now. i still havent told my mom i want to go out today with Perry and she totally planned the whole day out with me. x( she wants me to get my hair cut and wants to go out to dinner. i might have to rescedule with Perry. sorry. uhhhhh...oh yeah! MAGICAL MAGGIE is selling me American Apparel (sp?) jackets to me for $25. that's pretty good. if you're reading this blog and want some, then you should get some. the invite's on FB. $25 though...that's a really good deal. thank you magical maggie!
i know i havent blogged about the camping and trip. partly becuase even though it was truly the highlight of my summer...not all of the memories were the best. some im ashamed of, and some im ashamed for others. but most of it was good. im not going to blog about it, because there's waaaay too much to say. that's why i have a journal. ahaha. but one of the best memories i had was rock face painting with two my best friends, Jennifer Ruperto and Jessica Banh. we looked beautiful. at least. i think so.

now im just waiting for summer to be done. things left to do: vaca with family, band camp, AP US :(, and whatever is inbetween.
Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling on his couch when suddenly I tried to get up. Before I could stand, he grabs onto me and says, "I'm a koala and you're my eucalyptus tree!" He then continued to latch onto me for a good five minutes pretending to eat my hair. FML
how cute is that? :)
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