listening to: Sorry Sorry, Super Junior
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! i looooove you. :)
ahhhh, i have the house to myself, except for my brother. mommy and daddy are out for back to school night. it's so relaxing.
today was great until band came. idk what's going to happen. and i can say that i really dislike this year. i feel so underdogged. like so many people are underestimating me. and all these changes are being made for people who can't count. >:[ and no visuals yet. *sigh.
oh well. there's nothing but up. stay positive! for the band.
i feel like there are so many closed doors in the band. so many dark secrets. and noone is opening them. and it sucks choosing to stay on this side and not open them. for the safety of the ones on the other side.
listening to: Cosy in the Rocket, PSAPP

i was trying to find a picture of a glass, plastic, and metal cups lined up but i couldnt. so i settled for this. so against my OCD-ness. i put that picture there becuase my best friend told me something that i feel like is important. everyone has friendships. but what kind friendships are these? glass? plastic? or metal?
glass? will it break and shatter at the smallest fall and scuff?
plastic? is it strong and flexible but will tear and is untimately fake?
or is is metal? strong and sturdy and nothing can break it.
and guess what type of friendship me and smore have? :)
and that heartbreaks me. not that i believe in it. i totally do not believe in this bullshit. but she does. that hurts. she will only make it this way if she makes it this way. things are still the same. but she's convinced that the day will come when we will fight and ultimately we will say, 'i hate you, i dont want to be your friend'. and that's it. end of story. gone forever. becuase that's what plastic is. i just want to put it out here. i wont ever stop being your best friend. smores forever, got that? it would kill me if we ever stopped being friends. don't let band and my other friends get in the way with that. or your friends either.
so. what friendships do you have?

i was trying to find a picture of a glass, plastic, and metal cups lined up but i couldnt. so i settled for this. so against my OCD-ness. i put that picture there becuase my best friend told me something that i feel like is important. everyone has friendships. but what kind friendships are these? glass? plastic? or metal?
glass? will it break and shatter at the smallest fall and scuff?
plastic? is it strong and flexible but will tear and is untimately fake?
or is is metal? strong and sturdy and nothing can break it.
and guess what type of friendship me and smore have? :)
and that heartbreaks me. not that i believe in it. i totally do not believe in this bullshit. but she does. that hurts. she will only make it this way if she makes it this way. things are still the same. but she's convinced that the day will come when we will fight and ultimately we will say, 'i hate you, i dont want to be your friend'. and that's it. end of story. gone forever. becuase that's what plastic is. i just want to put it out here. i wont ever stop being your best friend. smores forever, got that? it would kill me if we ever stopped being friends. don't let band and my other friends get in the way with that. or your friends either.
so. what friendships do you have?
listening to: nothing.
today was the last 8 hour practice the band will have for the rest of the year. its a bittersweet thing. even though i hate the hot sun and tiring marching, i bond a lot with people during the practices. and they're so rewarding afterwards.
we finally finished the whole show!!!! we did our first whole run through without stopping. i jumped up and down when we finally finished it. :D the show is awesome. i love it how we start in a circle, and at the end we end in a circle. how cool is that? today during practice, all of us were dying because it was really really hot. so mr.kaldy jumped down from the podium thingy he was standing on, and said, 'im going to turn on the sprinklers for you guys' and so the whole band sprinted to the grass field and we all ran around in the sprinklers for a few minutes. when i heard mr.kaldy say that, i jumped up from behind the go kart, and i screamed, 'YES!' and i grabbed julia's hand and sprinted to the field. totally opposite of how i was before all dead and tired. and then back to marching. i really really like the last set, when we all condense intot he circle. ahaha, listen to me rant on and aon about this. x)and then after the we finished, he turned back on the sprinklers and we all ran around again. lol.
anyway, today the flutes surprised jen with a cake. we got her strawberry shortcake. i know, sounds a lot like a jen jen, right? its so easy to pull the wool over her eyes, i thought we were so obvious... -____- and vanessa was so sweet and gave jen her present. awwww!
it was a good day. im ready to fall asleep and stay that way for a few days though. :)
today was the last 8 hour practice the band will have for the rest of the year. its a bittersweet thing. even though i hate the hot sun and tiring marching, i bond a lot with people during the practices. and they're so rewarding afterwards.
we finally finished the whole show!!!! we did our first whole run through without stopping. i jumped up and down when we finally finished it. :D the show is awesome. i love it how we start in a circle, and at the end we end in a circle. how cool is that? today during practice, all of us were dying because it was really really hot. so mr.kaldy jumped down from the podium thingy he was standing on, and said, 'im going to turn on the sprinklers for you guys' and so the whole band sprinted to the grass field and we all ran around in the sprinklers for a few minutes. when i heard mr.kaldy say that, i jumped up from behind the go kart, and i screamed, 'YES!' and i grabbed julia's hand and sprinted to the field. totally opposite of how i was before all dead and tired. and then back to marching. i really really like the last set, when we all condense intot he circle. ahaha, listen to me rant on and aon about this. x)and then after the we finished, he turned back on the sprinklers and we all ran around again. lol.
anyway, today the flutes surprised jen with a cake. we got her strawberry shortcake. i know, sounds a lot like a jen jen, right? its so easy to pull the wool over her eyes, i thought we were so obvious... -____- and vanessa was so sweet and gave jen her present. awwww!
it was a good day. im ready to fall asleep and stay that way for a few days though. :)
listening to: 소년이여, G-Dragon
i have this recurring dream. ahaha, yeah, ive been having wierd dreams again. three this time. two of them are similiar.
dream #1:
im in a forest. do you know the game paper mario? the trees are like that, paper thin looking. and the ground is pitch black, but you can still see the dirt. kind of. like the leaves are drawn into the ground. and the trees are white. pure white. even the leaves. and the little bit of sky you can see through the leaves is black too. and so im walking through this forest, and i see a little boy. and he's further away from me. more up front. and he's dodging through the trees and when he's far enough, he stops and stares at me from behind a trunk.
dream #2:
so im walking through an abandoned city. if you watched I Am Legend the city is like that. but its like im walking in a warehouse. i see the street and the buildings. but i dont see past the street im on. eveything else is pitch black. and the sky is so low. like its a ceiling. and all i see is black above me. and all teh buildings are tall apartments. and while im walking, there's someone staring at me through one of one of the windows. all i see is a white sillouette. and no matter how far i walk, the sillouette is always there.
dream #3:
im out with julia and i cant remember...albert? i think. and we're in this asian place. idk. but we're like, in sort of a really old asian city. like, complicated alleyways and small crammed houses. and we go inside one house, and it turns out to be this really nice fancy store. o.o pretty pretty shiny shiny. but the thing is is that everything is oversized. the chairs, the shelves, even the things we buy. which are candy bars and little toys. -____-
i had this really cool dream where i was in the jungle and up in the trees and int eh trees there was a school. a big school up in the treetops made out of wood. the only thing is is that i went inside a classroom and got choked to death. not fun.
boooored. i want to call someone up. ;)
i have this recurring dream. ahaha, yeah, ive been having wierd dreams again. three this time. two of them are similiar.
dream #1:
im in a forest. do you know the game paper mario? the trees are like that, paper thin looking. and the ground is pitch black, but you can still see the dirt. kind of. like the leaves are drawn into the ground. and the trees are white. pure white. even the leaves. and the little bit of sky you can see through the leaves is black too. and so im walking through this forest, and i see a little boy. and he's further away from me. more up front. and he's dodging through the trees and when he's far enough, he stops and stares at me from behind a trunk.
dream #2:
so im walking through an abandoned city. if you watched I Am Legend the city is like that. but its like im walking in a warehouse. i see the street and the buildings. but i dont see past the street im on. eveything else is pitch black. and the sky is so low. like its a ceiling. and all i see is black above me. and all teh buildings are tall apartments. and while im walking, there's someone staring at me through one of one of the windows. all i see is a white sillouette. and no matter how far i walk, the sillouette is always there.
dream #3:
im out with julia and i cant remember...albert? i think. and we're in this asian place. idk. but we're like, in sort of a really old asian city. like, complicated alleyways and small crammed houses. and we go inside one house, and it turns out to be this really nice fancy store. o.o pretty pretty shiny shiny. but the thing is is that everything is oversized. the chairs, the shelves, even the things we buy. which are candy bars and little toys. -____-
i had this really cool dream where i was in the jungle and up in the trees and int eh trees there was a school. a big school up in the treetops made out of wood. the only thing is is that i went inside a classroom and got choked to death. not fun.
boooored. i want to call someone up. ;)
nothing to say but that im PISSED. what the fuck. i swear. im pissed as hell. fuck you and all of your standards. im sick and tired of trying to reach them and then get slapped back down. you never live up to your words, huh? once i reach your pathetic excuses of goals, you just give me another. punish me? ME? fuck you. im sick and tired of this. im sick and tired of you. grow up. GROW UP. why the hell are you treating me like this when i do everything you ask of me and more? i shaped up this year for you. im trying to get straight A's. im focusing more on my future, im aiming for scholarships. what more do you want from me? i can give you no more than what i can manage. dont be lecturing me on these things when you werent even able to achieve them yourself when you were my age becuase you were just pathetic enough like that. dont take it all and give nothign back. that's all i ahve to say.
listening to: That's Not My Name, The Ting Tings
my computer's lagging. really bad. making me mad. >:O
today was an ok day. not great. not fabulous that i said on my twitter, but w/e. ahahaha. its sort of gotten to the point where i dont really want to go to band anymore. ive gotten sick of it. like im dreading the practices every mon and wed. well, im not im not SICK of it. but i feel like noone's wanting to put in effort. and noone's getting better. the band itself isnt getting better. that's sort of discouraging, you know? and all this laz-y-ness is sucking the life out of me. ahaha. i wish teh class of '09 was back. :( i feel like we cant do shit without you guys. ahaha. i though we could maybe pull it off, but its looking to be the other way around...
got an 18 on my mem test today. that was an up. ive gotten sorta kinda maybe? better at volleyball. i can hit the ball into the court now! :)))) but sometimes most of the time i still hit it out. and everyone just turns thier heads. AHAH. im not THAT bad. well. maybe i am. whenever i have to serve, everyone gives up. and when im paired up with a person. he/she always cringes. hey. >:O
literally. i roll out of bed now. ahaha. and i take all the sheets with me. and i crawl out of them becuase its so friggin hard to get out of bed now! its like my muscles are like worms. OMG. today i had a great wakeup call. i stepped on a huge snail. -____- and it was stuck ont he bottom of my sandal so i could feel a lump and i had to scrape it off. ewwwwwwwwww. i hate snails and worms and bugs in general and i had to scrape it off?! pleasent. quite pleasent.
lol, i think ive developed a germaphonbia thingy. i cant stand it when people share drinks and food. and i sure as hell dont share my food and drinks now. i dont even really like sharing clothes now unless its like, a jacket or something. i cant use the same washcloth over once anymore. if i do, i convince myself i stink and my face is gross and i have to wash my face again. i dont like using the handle of the shower head anymore. i cant have my toothbrush touching the mirror of the bathroom. in fact, if i could, i was take out my toothbrush and all the washclothes out of the bathroom daily becuase i think the bathroom is gross in general. and if you freaking sneeze or wipe your gross sweat on me i will FREAK out. ahaha. when frank wiped his sweat on me, i saw it on my shoulder and i freaking JUMPED on kevin (he was nearest. if not for him, DJ was next) and wiped it all over him. and kevin was like, '-____- gee, thanks.' ahaha, sorry. :(
just though i'd express that.
just for fair warning.
everyone deserves a best friend forever. :)
i have mr.panda. :DDDDD and of course my smore'. yuuuuum.
LOL. i forgot my pants in the band room! oh no! :D
my computer's lagging. really bad. making me mad. >:O
today was an ok day. not great. not fabulous that i said on my twitter, but w/e. ahahaha. its sort of gotten to the point where i dont really want to go to band anymore. ive gotten sick of it. like im dreading the practices every mon and wed. well, im not im not SICK of it. but i feel like noone's wanting to put in effort. and noone's getting better. the band itself isnt getting better. that's sort of discouraging, you know? and all this laz-y-ness is sucking the life out of me. ahaha. i wish teh class of '09 was back. :( i feel like we cant do shit without you guys. ahaha. i though we could maybe pull it off, but its looking to be the other way around...
got an 18 on my mem test today. that was an up. ive gotten sorta kinda maybe? better at volleyball. i can hit the ball into the court now! :)))) but sometimes most of the time i still hit it out. and everyone just turns thier heads. AHAH. im not THAT bad. well. maybe i am. whenever i have to serve, everyone gives up. and when im paired up with a person. he/she always cringes. hey. >:O
literally. i roll out of bed now. ahaha. and i take all the sheets with me. and i crawl out of them becuase its so friggin hard to get out of bed now! its like my muscles are like worms. OMG. today i had a great wakeup call. i stepped on a huge snail. -____- and it was stuck ont he bottom of my sandal so i could feel a lump and i had to scrape it off. ewwwwwwwwww. i hate snails and worms and bugs in general and i had to scrape it off?! pleasent. quite pleasent.
lol, i think ive developed a germaphonbia thingy. i cant stand it when people share drinks and food. and i sure as hell dont share my food and drinks now. i dont even really like sharing clothes now unless its like, a jacket or something. i cant use the same washcloth over once anymore. if i do, i convince myself i stink and my face is gross and i have to wash my face again. i dont like using the handle of the shower head anymore. i cant have my toothbrush touching the mirror of the bathroom. in fact, if i could, i was take out my toothbrush and all the washclothes out of the bathroom daily becuase i think the bathroom is gross in general. and if you freaking sneeze or wipe your gross sweat on me i will FREAK out. ahaha. when frank wiped his sweat on me, i saw it on my shoulder and i freaking JUMPED on kevin (he was nearest. if not for him, DJ was next) and wiped it all over him. and kevin was like, '-____- gee, thanks.' ahaha, sorry. :(
just though i'd express that.
just for fair warning.
everyone deserves a best friend forever. :)
i have mr.panda. :DDDDD and of course my smore'. yuuuuum.
LOL. i forgot my pants in the band room! oh no! :D
listening to: nothing. again.
you're so confusing. i look forward most to those times at night when we 'tuck each other in' and you'r the last one i talk to. it's hours on end. it's addicting. like, im not doing my homework becuase im talking to you for so long. i find myself wanting to stay on forever until you go to sleep. i want to call you all the time. and i enjoy calling you up and talking to you. and im happy that you want to call me up too. but you're so confusing.
school comes and sometimes you just pass me by. but when you decide to actually say hi to me, its like we were never like that. you hug me tight and warm. you really care for me, listening to me and giving me advice. we're always the first to IM each other when we sign on. and you cherish what i give you. but it pains me when you do that to me at school. if im happening to not be looking at you, you pass right by me, and all i see is your back. and i want to go up to you and hug you, but you're so uptight on your guard. and just push me away. even if it's reflex, it still hurts.
this is why i can't see myself in a relationship with you. frankly.
its hard being in such close friendship with you. but i still want to be your close friend.
i dont get you, you know that? ive known you for three years now. but its like i dont know you at all. but at the same, time, we know each other better than most friends do.
honeybuns, i know how you feel now. i wish i knew what was going on in that head of yours. :l
so confusing.
everyone has thier rough patches. get better. please. i dont know waht else to say. but all things can be ammended, even if they seem like they cant. only the most heartless of the heartless will never forgive. is that person really like that? that's all i know what to say.
you're so confusing. i look forward most to those times at night when we 'tuck each other in' and you'r the last one i talk to. it's hours on end. it's addicting. like, im not doing my homework becuase im talking to you for so long. i find myself wanting to stay on forever until you go to sleep. i want to call you all the time. and i enjoy calling you up and talking to you. and im happy that you want to call me up too. but you're so confusing.
school comes and sometimes you just pass me by. but when you decide to actually say hi to me, its like we were never like that. you hug me tight and warm. you really care for me, listening to me and giving me advice. we're always the first to IM each other when we sign on. and you cherish what i give you. but it pains me when you do that to me at school. if im happening to not be looking at you, you pass right by me, and all i see is your back. and i want to go up to you and hug you, but you're so uptight on your guard. and just push me away. even if it's reflex, it still hurts.
this is why i can't see myself in a relationship with you. frankly.
its hard being in such close friendship with you. but i still want to be your close friend.
i dont get you, you know that? ive known you for three years now. but its like i dont know you at all. but at the same, time, we know each other better than most friends do.
honeybuns, i know how you feel now. i wish i knew what was going on in that head of yours. :l
so confusing.
everyone has thier rough patches. get better. please. i dont know waht else to say. but all things can be ammended, even if they seem like they cant. only the most heartless of the heartless will never forgive. is that person really like that? that's all i know what to say.
listening to: nothing
today was not that great of a day. to put frankly. -____- mr.kaldy totally cancelled practice today. not saying i dont blame him. i dont get why we're doing to badly this year. im sweating and working till i drop and feel like im going to die. but its like it's never enough. there's always one person that can't get it right. and it's killing everyone.
and little things too. like not bringing drill. and im guilty for some of those things. :l oh well. im ready to start changing. im not very good on keeping myself hydrated though. which is a big problem...
anyway. not that much happened today. bored. i think im going to go now. bye.
today was not that great of a day. to put frankly. -____- mr.kaldy totally cancelled practice today. not saying i dont blame him. i dont get why we're doing to badly this year. im sweating and working till i drop and feel like im going to die. but its like it's never enough. there's always one person that can't get it right. and it's killing everyone.
and little things too. like not bringing drill. and im guilty for some of those things. :l oh well. im ready to start changing. im not very good on keeping myself hydrated though. which is a big problem...
anyway. not that much happened today. bored. i think im going to go now. bye.
listening to: Stronger, Kanye West
i havent blogged in awhile.
sorry to those who read my blogs often. i know you guys expect me to write like, everyday. ahaha.
im starting to regret writing so much of my feelings here on this blog. im glad i had, but still. after i get the feedback, it sort of sucks. :l and its not that pleasant for the other person either. but still. where am i supposed to put these feelings? to my pillow? i dont think so.
and i get your comment. thank you for that. and yeah i do have things to say about it, but im dropping for good. and i hope you do too. mmk? start a new page. dont forget it happened, but turn the page to a new chapter. you even said all best friends get in fights. we have our tough spots, but we get over it. and i like the saying, 'learn from your mistakes' becuase that's probably the only saying i really take to heart. and i try to really i do.
im starting back on seabiscuit. wooow i know. but its sort of that situation where the other likes the other and so the one that the other likes starts to like back only becuase that person starts to like the other. ahaha, very confusing right? the great mind of allyson. D:
i DO like him. a little. not that much. but seeing how i just came out of a relationship. even if i were given the chance to go out with him. it would be a no. everyone's asking me, 'would you go out with him?' maybe. lol. its like a 90% no. i mean, nothing's ever definite. but seeing how i just came out of a relationship, and how i handled that relationship, i dont even deserve a relationship with another guy. at least until i grow up and learn how to handle these situations better and more maturly without hurting the latter.
im glad we're good friends though. :)
im making friends for everyone. this way everyone has a someone. noone's ever alone.he/she may turn out crappy and fuck ugly but at least he/she will always stick by everyone's side. they love you. and they're not even created yet. hehehe. x)
BYE WILSON CHEAH! ill miss you while you're away in college.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TINA! i havent been blogging recently. lol.
anyway, sunday afternoon, i should start on my much procrastinated hwk. goodbye.
i havent blogged in awhile.
sorry to those who read my blogs often. i know you guys expect me to write like, everyday. ahaha.
im starting to regret writing so much of my feelings here on this blog. im glad i had, but still. after i get the feedback, it sort of sucks. :l and its not that pleasant for the other person either. but still. where am i supposed to put these feelings? to my pillow? i dont think so.
and i get your comment. thank you for that. and yeah i do have things to say about it, but im dropping for good. and i hope you do too. mmk? start a new page. dont forget it happened, but turn the page to a new chapter. you even said all best friends get in fights. we have our tough spots, but we get over it. and i like the saying, 'learn from your mistakes' becuase that's probably the only saying i really take to heart. and i try to really i do.
im starting back on seabiscuit. wooow i know. but its sort of that situation where the other likes the other and so the one that the other likes starts to like back only becuase that person starts to like the other. ahaha, very confusing right? the great mind of allyson. D:
i DO like him. a little. not that much. but seeing how i just came out of a relationship. even if i were given the chance to go out with him. it would be a no. everyone's asking me, 'would you go out with him?' maybe. lol. its like a 90% no. i mean, nothing's ever definite. but seeing how i just came out of a relationship, and how i handled that relationship, i dont even deserve a relationship with another guy. at least until i grow up and learn how to handle these situations better and more maturly without hurting the latter.
im glad we're good friends though. :)
im making friends for everyone. this way everyone has a someone. noone's ever alone.he/she may turn out crappy and fuck ugly but at least he/she will always stick by everyone's side. they love you. and they're not even created yet. hehehe. x)
BYE WILSON CHEAH! ill miss you while you're away in college.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TINA! i havent been blogging recently. lol.
anyway, sunday afternoon, i should start on my much procrastinated hwk. goodbye.
listening to: my heartbeat.
you know, i go through so much trouble putting aside my pride, and my feelings, and i say sorry. it may have not been the exact words, 'im sorry' but what i said had much more meaning. the things i said to you were true, its truely what i felt, and it all meant sorry.
i had my problems, you had yours. dont deny it, you're not perfect. you had flaws that annoy people too. i apologized for my wrong doings.
i expected much more from you today. i expected at least an apology. of any kind. but no. you dont apologize for anything. in fact, you leave me hanging and just leave. wow. you know, you cant be calling me out on this. its the truth. i apologized. and you didnt.
you have no idea how much taht humiliates me. i sucked up all of my pride and the ground i stood on, and look at where it got me.
you know, maybe next time i wont be so forgiving. maybe next time, i just wont care. maybe next time, ill just blow you off and not even apologize, then maybe you'll see how you feel. you got to say sorry sometimes. you're not always right.
but im done. i wrote my feelings and im over it. its gone with the wind, im not going to bring this up again unless you do. im one to forget anger fast. ill change during band, i told you i would and i will. promise.
you said you had a problem with me as a person. as i have a problem with you as a person.
and once again, here it is. the famous line i craved to hear but now i wont ever care even if it comes out of your mouth. im sorry.
you know, i go through so much trouble putting aside my pride, and my feelings, and i say sorry. it may have not been the exact words, 'im sorry' but what i said had much more meaning. the things i said to you were true, its truely what i felt, and it all meant sorry.
i had my problems, you had yours. dont deny it, you're not perfect. you had flaws that annoy people too. i apologized for my wrong doings.
i expected much more from you today. i expected at least an apology. of any kind. but no. you dont apologize for anything. in fact, you leave me hanging and just leave. wow. you know, you cant be calling me out on this. its the truth. i apologized. and you didnt.
you have no idea how much taht humiliates me. i sucked up all of my pride and the ground i stood on, and look at where it got me.
you know, maybe next time i wont be so forgiving. maybe next time, i just wont care. maybe next time, ill just blow you off and not even apologize, then maybe you'll see how you feel. you got to say sorry sometimes. you're not always right.
but im done. i wrote my feelings and im over it. its gone with the wind, im not going to bring this up again unless you do. im one to forget anger fast. ill change during band, i told you i would and i will. promise.
you said you had a problem with me as a person. as i have a problem with you as a person.
and once again, here it is. the famous line i craved to hear but now i wont ever care even if it comes out of your mouth. im sorry.
listening to: nothing
this last weekend was looking pretty bland. white washed walls bright sunlight sitting in bed doing nothing no color bland. like mushy rice in a gritty ceramic bowl. dont you hate that noise when you scrape your spoon or fork against a gritty plate? yeah. it sucks. but lo and behold, it didnt stay that way, thank GOD.
i phone up jen around 730 because she called me up awhile ago and im issed her call. but she said she's at jessica's and that i should go out with them. so i ask my dad. but of course, he says, 'NO.' -___- so i told jen and jessica that, and then we decided, if i can't go out, why not go to allyson's house? :) what a mood lifter. ahaha. we went dancing in the rain! it was raining taht night, how epic. me and jen couldnt execute our plan becuase axell was there. but in due time...
we went jumping around in the puddles in front of my house and jessica blasted the music in her car and we were dancing and singing along to those. we went on like that for close to and hour or two...ahahaha. summer rain! however, it might have been more fun with frank and kevin, but they were being butts. :( ill always remember this night, it was so much fun.
and hence the magical story of how my wonderful at first bland weekend came to be. :D
today was hell. i dreamt i started my period and i woke up...viola. shit. i was pissed! so i started out my day 530 in the morning pissed. and since it was my first day, i was in a bitchy snippy mood and didnt really want to deal with anyone. but on top of that i had band practice. and i forgot another pad, and physics did not get any more exciting or easier. ugh. mondays. hate them.
on a upside, i didnt get to do that much volleyball. ms.osborn didnt yell at me as much today. phew! she is one scary little japanese lady,t hat's for sure.
super junior M is coming out with a new single called super girl. SNSD's jessica is going to be in it. im excited to see the MV when it coems out. my favorite member henry is like, unrecognizable now. idk. he cut his hair or something. before and after pic!:
that is just not right. :( why???
ahah, he looks like one of my friends richie. richard! grow your hair out and you'll be so cute! :D but why did henry cut his hair? i loved you're hair henry...
i love it when he plays the violin. it's so hot.
craving ice cream. :P
this last weekend was looking pretty bland. white washed walls bright sunlight sitting in bed doing nothing no color bland. like mushy rice in a gritty ceramic bowl. dont you hate that noise when you scrape your spoon or fork against a gritty plate? yeah. it sucks. but lo and behold, it didnt stay that way, thank GOD.

we went jumping around in the puddles in front of my house and jessica blasted the music in her car and we were dancing and singing along to those. we went on like that for close to and hour or two...ahahaha. summer rain! however, it might have been more fun with frank and kevin, but they were being butts. :( ill always remember this night, it was so much fun.
and hence the magical story of how my wonderful at first bland weekend came to be. :D
today was hell. i dreamt i started my period and i woke up...viola. shit. i was pissed! so i started out my day 530 in the morning pissed. and since it was my first day, i was in a bitchy snippy mood and didnt really want to deal with anyone. but on top of that i had band practice. and i forgot another pad, and physics did not get any more exciting or easier. ugh. mondays. hate them.
on a upside, i didnt get to do that much volleyball. ms.osborn didnt yell at me as much today. phew! she is one scary little japanese lady,t hat's for sure.
super junior M is coming out with a new single called super girl. SNSD's jessica is going to be in it. im excited to see the MV when it coems out. my favorite member henry is like, unrecognizable now. idk. he cut his hair or something. before and after pic!:


that is just not right. :( why???
ahah, he looks like one of my friends richie. richard! grow your hair out and you'll be so cute! :D but why did henry cut his hair? i loved you're hair henry...
i love it when he plays the violin. it's so hot.
craving ice cream. :P
listening to: In the Clube, 2NE1
yesterday was a full day. well, it started at 1. i was home alone until keith and dee picked me up to take me to practice. practice was FUN. idk, i had a blast. ahaha. it didnt seem that long, i wanted it to be longer. but we had to end early becuase there was no light. it got freezing cold thought around 7. and i was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. brrrrr~
had lunch at nob hill, found out we were cutting the time close, sprinted back to the band room, and then sprinted down to the field, and while sprinting, saw maggie sprinting after us. LATE. ahaha. i marched without shoes. it's really comfy. its like marching on a cusion. it was nice and cool. we managed to get through 13/16 sets of the second song. that's really good. we're back on schedule drill wise for MB. the band wanted to do another set, but mr.kaldy said it was too dark to do another one. :l
after marching band practice, i left right after and raced over to MVCCC for pat, glo, addie, and emma's party. i made it around 830. that was pretty good, even though it ended at 9. LOL. but afterwards, me and irene escaped and went to a room to talk and catch up. i miss her so much!
while we were talking, little pat kept on interrupting us. -____- like, every room we went to, he kept on popping his head in. wow. ahaha, privacy? the last time he did it, he brough austin in. and austin just stared at us, and was like, 'Verde?' and me and irene were like, 'OF COURSE!'. ahaha. that stuff is good, if you havent had verde yet, GO, that place is a really really good tap ex, and it's cheaper and has good deals. and the portions are waaaaay more bigger.
so austin drove me and irene to downtown mt.view and met hanson up at verde. then we just chilled in verde sipping our drinks. i havent had a night like that in a long time. it felt good, sitting there in a warm cafe during a freezing cold night with your friends. :) we stayed there until about 11 and then i got back around 1130...a full day. woooo. i dropped dead once i got home. ahaha.
so i talked to austin about overseas college, and he suggested UCLA and then take a program there for overseas. like, i take a class for UCLA in a different country. guess what im aiming to do now? :)
yesterday was a full day. well, it started at 1. i was home alone until keith and dee picked me up to take me to practice. practice was FUN. idk, i had a blast. ahaha. it didnt seem that long, i wanted it to be longer. but we had to end early becuase there was no light. it got freezing cold thought around 7. and i was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. brrrrr~
had lunch at nob hill, found out we were cutting the time close, sprinted back to the band room, and then sprinted down to the field, and while sprinting, saw maggie sprinting after us. LATE. ahaha. i marched without shoes. it's really comfy. its like marching on a cusion. it was nice and cool. we managed to get through 13/16 sets of the second song. that's really good. we're back on schedule drill wise for MB. the band wanted to do another set, but mr.kaldy said it was too dark to do another one. :l
after marching band practice, i left right after and raced over to MVCCC for pat, glo, addie, and emma's party. i made it around 830. that was pretty good, even though it ended at 9. LOL. but afterwards, me and irene escaped and went to a room to talk and catch up. i miss her so much!
while we were talking, little pat kept on interrupting us. -____- like, every room we went to, he kept on popping his head in. wow. ahaha, privacy? the last time he did it, he brough austin in. and austin just stared at us, and was like, 'Verde?' and me and irene were like, 'OF COURSE!'. ahaha. that stuff is good, if you havent had verde yet, GO, that place is a really really good tap ex, and it's cheaper and has good deals. and the portions are waaaaay more bigger.

so i talked to austin about overseas college, and he suggested UCLA and then take a program there for overseas. like, i take a class for UCLA in a different country. guess what im aiming to do now? :)
listening to: Butterfly, G-Dragon
there was thunder last night. :O after the football game, my dad went outside, and he came running back in and was all like, 'omg, it's raining outside!' wtf? ahaha. how wierd. and oh. look what i twittered:
"Allylywong goodmorning! thunder last night o.o freaky not really supposed to be winter but it's summer but the weather's so biplar rain! :O"
and then i realized, that it's not winter next, it's fall. -___- shit. oh well, too late to unpost it, it's already sent to my friends phones. lol.
but isnt that really wierd? hmmmm. lol, me and jen have this plan. and if things continue like this, it'll come true! you'll see it on the news. or maybe newpaper. LOL
"olivejuice!" - Jennifer Ruperto
:) olivejuice jennifer!
there was thunder last night. :O after the football game, my dad went outside, and he came running back in and was all like, 'omg, it's raining outside!' wtf? ahaha. how wierd. and oh. look what i twittered:
"Allylywong goodmorning! thunder last night o.o freaky not really supposed to be winter but it's summer but the weather's so biplar rain! :O"
and then i realized, that it's not winter next, it's fall. -___- shit. oh well, too late to unpost it, it's already sent to my friends phones. lol.
but isnt that really wierd? hmmmm. lol, me and jen have this plan. and if things continue like this, it'll come true! you'll see it on the news. or maybe newpaper. LOL
"olivejuice!" - Jennifer Ruperto
:) olivejuice jennifer!
listening to: Heartbreaker, G-Dragon.
today is 9/ll. i felt like it was kinda messed up how no one commemorated it. not even on the school announcements. not even at the football game. wth? idk. i'll commemorate them on my own though.
so my days start out with zero period PE. and i suck at the sport i play, volleyball. MY GOD. i can't do ANYTHING in this sport. i cant serve, set, bump, or attack. i keep hoping, 'maybe im a server, maybe im a setter' but im never anything. i dont get it! i can play any other sport. rugball, tennis, badminton, soccer, softball, at least a little. but this i can do at all. how frustrating. >:O and today ms. osborn made me stay after and hit a bunch of other balls and then mad becuase i couldnt set even one ball right, made me run around the gym and pick up all the balls. not my fault i suck. lol. ahhh well. im screwed fml. im garunteed a no A in this class. i need to up my game. :O but i cant if im just not made for this sport. ahaha. why is this sport so damn hard?
the football game tonight was fun. i was late for the warming up though, i had to sprint to the top of the hill to get there in time. and the score/time board broke, so we had to guess what time we had to get down to the field. -___- that was fun. i thought i was going to get hit a football and get killed. the ends of those things are pointy, you know... and there were these green bugs flying around everywhere. they were pretty! but HUGE! omg! like a green glowing beetle with wings! a new species! ahahaha. then bleacher time was fun. lots of fun where i sit. ahaha. and dang! so many birthdays in september in band. coralee's was today. vanessa's was yesterday. and vicky's is on sunday. jennifer's on the 27. gaaaah, we're going birthday crazy. it was like a baby boom meant to happen.
anyway, tomorrow is an eight hour practice. 8_8 i pray ill survive. or not faint. its funny, me and kirsten always have our sick days on the same day. so maybe ill have company. ahaha. but yeah, getting a ride from keith, thank god, im saved! hallelujah! i dont like troubling my parents for rides. or money any more. i feel bad. like they could use this stuff for so much better things. :l
im beat. i think ill sleep. that kinda rhymes! hehe, awesome. today was epic, even though i didnt really enjoy it. are things like that possible? :l
today is 9/ll. i felt like it was kinda messed up how no one commemorated it. not even on the school announcements. not even at the football game. wth? idk. i'll commemorate them on my own though.
so my days start out with zero period PE. and i suck at the sport i play, volleyball. MY GOD. i can't do ANYTHING in this sport. i cant serve, set, bump, or attack. i keep hoping, 'maybe im a server, maybe im a setter' but im never anything. i dont get it! i can play any other sport. rugball, tennis, badminton, soccer, softball, at least a little. but this i can do at all. how frustrating. >:O and today ms. osborn made me stay after and hit a bunch of other balls and then mad becuase i couldnt set even one ball right, made me run around the gym and pick up all the balls. not my fault i suck. lol. ahhh well. im screwed fml. im garunteed a no A in this class. i need to up my game. :O but i cant if im just not made for this sport. ahaha. why is this sport so damn hard?
the football game tonight was fun. i was late for the warming up though, i had to sprint to the top of the hill to get there in time. and the score/time board broke, so we had to guess what time we had to get down to the field. -___- that was fun. i thought i was going to get hit a football and get killed. the ends of those things are pointy, you know... and there were these green bugs flying around everywhere. they were pretty! but HUGE! omg! like a green glowing beetle with wings! a new species! ahahaha. then bleacher time was fun. lots of fun where i sit. ahaha. and dang! so many birthdays in september in band. coralee's was today. vanessa's was yesterday. and vicky's is on sunday. jennifer's on the 27. gaaaah, we're going birthday crazy. it was like a baby boom meant to happen.
anyway, tomorrow is an eight hour practice. 8_8 i pray ill survive. or not faint. its funny, me and kirsten always have our sick days on the same day. so maybe ill have company. ahaha. but yeah, getting a ride from keith, thank god, im saved! hallelujah! i dont like troubling my parents for rides. or money any more. i feel bad. like they could use this stuff for so much better things. :l
im beat. i think ill sleep. that kinda rhymes! hehe, awesome. today was epic, even though i didnt really enjoy it. are things like that possible? :l
listening to: Haru Haru, Big Bang
i have waaay too much asian music on my iPod. -___- i need to clean out my iPod soon. ASAP. lol.
labor day weekend is so boring. soo sooo boring. nothign to do except phone up friends eat internet practice flute and homework. went out with my parents most of the week. the ONE time i could have hung out with someone i missed thier call. kevin and frank were in my neighborhood too. gosh, i miss them. ... anyway. im like, drinking up this time i ahve for relaxation becuase i realize im not going to be getting a lot of it this year. ahaha.
i spent most of my day hugging mr.panda. LOL. i love him! i keep my heart hidden away in him. ;)
so random. this blog is random.
oh sorry. random. but today i ate this new chinese dish. it's called lion's head. IT'S REALLY GOOD. ahaha. if you ever have the chance to eat it, please do. yum. and
it does look like a lion's brain. :) lion's brain is yummy. AHHHHAAAAA.
anyway, before i got to bed, sweet dreams to everyone. i hope you dreams about sweet things which is kinda what i just said. AHAHA. i had a nother dream last night about this room. actually. i really want to blog about it.
so there's this hotel. it's one of those hotels that are in the middle of nowhere and is really deserted and scary looking. you know how it's bright but still looks spooky? yeah. anyway, there's on room. room 227? yeah. and for some reason, it's Jennifer's uncle's room. he owns it. but the thing is, he disappeared a long time ago. anyway, this room is being rented out to other people. but the thing is is that the room is cursed. at 11 AM and 11 PM every day ghost sort of. a dead person. but he's still there? you know, kinda of what the grudge is. shows up and tries to kill whoever's in the room. he tries to stab you/slash you but if he misses you and just cuts your arm or something, he missed. kinda thing. but if you make it outside the room, he can't touch you. and all you have to do is make it past 11 AM and 11 PM. then you're safe and he goes away. and in the dream i witness this family get killed. like the mom husband and son survive, but the mom gets stabbed in the face and the daughter dies. mmhm. really scary.
i hope you guys dream better and happier dreams. :) you guys will always be in my heart and dreams! goodnight!
i have waaay too much asian music on my iPod. -___- i need to clean out my iPod soon. ASAP. lol.
labor day weekend is so boring. soo sooo boring. nothign to do except phone up friends eat internet practice flute and homework. went out with my parents most of the week. the ONE time i could have hung out with someone i missed thier call. kevin and frank were in my neighborhood too. gosh, i miss them. ... anyway. im like, drinking up this time i ahve for relaxation becuase i realize im not going to be getting a lot of it this year. ahaha.
i spent most of my day hugging mr.panda. LOL. i love him! i keep my heart hidden away in him. ;)
so random. this blog is random.
oh sorry. random. but today i ate this new chinese dish. it's called lion's head. IT'S REALLY GOOD. ahaha. if you ever have the chance to eat it, please do. yum. and
it does look like a lion's brain. :) lion's brain is yummy. AHHHHAAAAA.
anyway, before i got to bed, sweet dreams to everyone. i hope you dreams about sweet things which is kinda what i just said. AHAHA. i had a nother dream last night about this room. actually. i really want to blog about it.
so there's this hotel. it's one of those hotels that are in the middle of nowhere and is really deserted and scary looking. you know how it's bright but still looks spooky? yeah. anyway, there's on room. room 227? yeah. and for some reason, it's Jennifer's uncle's room. he owns it. but the thing is, he disappeared a long time ago. anyway, this room is being rented out to other people. but the thing is is that the room is cursed. at 11 AM and 11 PM every day ghost sort of. a dead person. but he's still there? you know, kinda of what the grudge is. shows up and tries to kill whoever's in the room. he tries to stab you/slash you but if he misses you and just cuts your arm or something, he missed. kinda thing. but if you make it outside the room, he can't touch you. and all you have to do is make it past 11 AM and 11 PM. then you're safe and he goes away. and in the dream i witness this family get killed. like the mom husband and son survive, but the mom gets stabbed in the face and the daughter dies. mmhm. really scary.
i hope you guys dream better and happier dreams. :) you guys will always be in my heart and dreams! goodnight!
listening to: Hello, G-Dragon
love this song. ahaha. its sooo catchy.
anyway, about last night's football game. wow, that was SO fun. ahaha. it was great to hear from the freshman how fun it was. and there was so many fun parts. like the pep song, 'Let's Go Crazy'. the sax's me jen maggie and vanessa stood on the bleachers and danced to it. then this freshman broke a stand! lol, how do you do taht? it was funny, no one was mad though. it was just a 'freshman' moment. :D
the show was good too. my mom said she couldnt hear us though. -____- how do you not hear a whole band? LOL. and maggie is so unfair while playing ABCD. cheater. mean. anyway, football game. froze my fingers off. afterwards, hung out at the band room for awhile, then walked to the front of the school with jennifer. and went home.
today i went out to korea town with my parents. got groceries and GD's Heartbreaker album. i love it. the album is kinda spooky though. to the right:
my favorite is uhhhh all of it. ahaha. anyway, afterwards me mama and papa went out to fish market. i think that's what it's called. wow, best sea food ever. lol. no lie. i never ate muscles until today and it tasted so good. i drank the broth at the bottom of the pot. x) got home around missing everyone already. im not one to stay away from friends for too long. i love you guys too much. ahahaha. gosh, im blushing. :) oh yeah! i forgot to say albert gave me the beautiful red velvet cupcake yesterday. xD ahhaa. ive said thank you a million kajillion times. but i dont get a lot of things from people. i take it as something special. :)
*ahem. im keeping my head up. had my fill today. ahaha.
oh. and you know what else i had my fill of? farts. not me. on me. yeah. that's right. im talking about you. tsk tsk. now ill have to get you back now...what a shame. watch your back. or balls. >:)
love this song. ahaha. its sooo catchy.
anyway, about last night's football game. wow, that was SO fun. ahaha. it was great to hear from the freshman how fun it was. and there was so many fun parts. like the pep song, 'Let's Go Crazy'. the sax's me jen maggie and vanessa stood on the bleachers and danced to it. then this freshman broke a stand! lol, how do you do taht? it was funny, no one was mad though. it was just a 'freshman' moment. :D
the show was good too. my mom said she couldnt hear us though. -____- how do you not hear a whole band? LOL. and maggie is so unfair while playing ABCD. cheater. mean. anyway, football game. froze my fingers off. afterwards, hung out at the band room for awhile, then walked to the front of the school with jennifer. and went home.
today i went out to korea town with my parents. got groceries and GD's Heartbreaker album. i love it. the album is kinda spooky though. to the right:

*ahem. im keeping my head up. had my fill today. ahaha.
oh. and you know what else i had my fill of? farts. not me. on me. yeah. that's right. im talking about you. tsk tsk. now ill have to get you back now...what a shame. watch your back. or balls. >:)
listening to: nothing
i feel so crappy for what i did to you. pulling the wool over your eyes and decieving you for so long. you had a right to know sooner. i regret doing what i did. i deserve so much more.
there are reasons why i did what i did. there are better people out there. you were with a kid. i need to grow up. but at the same time, im at peace or im trying to be at peace with what i did. and im sure you'll have many more opportunities out there.
i jsut want you to be happy. that's all i want. but i need to be happy, too, you know? i would be so happy for you if you were just happy yourself. it would make me feel so much better. but im not asking you to just get up and be, 'im over it, im happy!' it takes time, and it'll take time for me too.
i hope we're still friends. i want to be your friend.
ill see you around. and im sorry.
i feel so crappy for what i did to you. pulling the wool over your eyes and decieving you for so long. you had a right to know sooner. i regret doing what i did. i deserve so much more.
there are reasons why i did what i did. there are better people out there. you were with a kid. i need to grow up. but at the same time, im at peace or im trying to be at peace with what i did. and im sure you'll have many more opportunities out there.
i jsut want you to be happy. that's all i want. but i need to be happy, too, you know? i would be so happy for you if you were just happy yourself. it would make me feel so much better. but im not asking you to just get up and be, 'im over it, im happy!' it takes time, and it'll take time for me too.
i hope we're still friends. i want to be your friend.
ill see you around. and im sorry.
listening to: nothing.
ok well, im procrastinating hella. i KNOW i should be doing my stupid hwk. but im so practice was so hot. it was so easy...but it was like 90 degree weather and that is NOT desirable to march in. i felt so bad becuase i had to sit out becuase i felt so sick. :( i felt like i really let my section down, being assistant section leader and all. ugh...
anyway, the upside was that when i was sitting out, i heard the band play. i heard flutes singing! :D yay, happy days. ahaha. that got me energized becuase i ran back and played a bit more before i finally dropped dead and HAD to sit out. lol.
im procrastinating so much im re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. im so good at this. AHAHA. but yeah. my tan got about 3 shades darker. if that was even possible. that sucks. ugh. i think i got burned, too. :(
anyway, i gotta get started on my hwk. i probably wont, but w/e.
i just thought this picture was hella cute. this is for Vanessa!
im sorry to say, Jen, that GD did NOT actually dye his hair back to brown. oops. oh well. i think his dog is SOOOO cute though! his name is GaHo. awwww! anyway. procrastination i wish i could go shopping right now. i miss the mall. and my smore. i wish i could go shopping with her :( HOMEWORK. in half an hour. i promise. :D
ok well, im procrastinating hella. i KNOW i should be doing my stupid hwk. but im so practice was so hot. it was so easy...but it was like 90 degree weather and that is NOT desirable to march in. i felt so bad becuase i had to sit out becuase i felt so sick. :( i felt like i really let my section down, being assistant section leader and all. ugh...
anyway, the upside was that when i was sitting out, i heard the band play. i heard flutes singing! :D yay, happy days. ahaha. that got me energized becuase i ran back and played a bit more before i finally dropped dead and HAD to sit out. lol.
im procrastinating so much im re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. im so good at this. AHAHA. but yeah. my tan got about 3 shades darker. if that was even possible. that sucks. ugh. i think i got burned, too. :(
anyway, i gotta get started on my hwk. i probably wont, but w/e.
i just thought this picture was hella cute. this is for Vanessa!

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