listening to: unidentified christmas music.
this weekend was a good weekend. hang out with family for thanksgiving, black friday shopping with bannana and dee's birthday. happy birthday to you. it was great hanging with everyone again.
for dee's birthday we went to great jump. before that me and anna went black friday shopping. black friday had some really good deals. anna got a shirt and a pair of shoes all for 10 dollars. pretty fantastic if you ask me. i bought a sweater for 15 and some tea for my mom. afterwards she slept over. we had some deep shua go on last night. some deep convos there. ahahaha. missed hanging out with that girl.
then the next day was dee's party! fun day. just a really chill spontanious day. we went to great jump and most of the time we played dodgeball. omg that was intense. ahahaa. me and dee never really got to execute our plan becuase he kept on getting out and the judge kept on saying 'jump break' which meant everyone got to go back in. very frustrating i must say. ahahaha. afterwards we walked to great mall and toured the new forever 21. that place is aweseome. so huge. vanessa claimed she got lost in it. kinda impossible seeing how it's great mall but... and so dee got some clothes there. at forever 21. ahahaha raise the bag high dee. :)
after shopping for dee we decided to go watch new moon. i must say that was an interesting movie. it was a lot better than the first movie that's for sure. everything seemed more real. the first one was all plastic and tiring to watch. and the music was good. some of the songs were catchy. the guys liked it though. or at least found it interesting. ahaha. i was surprised they didnt just get up and leave the theater. we had some trouble getting in though becuase erik was being a scardy-cat. :P
planning to spend the rest of this day studying. i took a look at physics and i totall forgot everything i studied on tuesday. dammit. i havce to reread the whole chapter again. D:
this weekend ended too soon. i wish summer was near.
listening to: tim's ranting about FF X-2.
happy thanksgiving! the day where you eat the most and get lots of food you only get once a year. my aunt is japanese so every year we have turky, chinese food and sushi. THE BEST. ahahaha. the only downside is that all my cousins are 20+ and it's so awkward. i just sit there and wait. and wait. not very close with family at all. ahahaha. and apparently i have more cousins. that i never knew about and they speak some language i cannot decipher. i dont even know thier names i forgot to ask them...
and tomorrow should prove to be epic. epic fail. im going to go crazy tomorrow pushing and cursing no doubt. ahahaha. i hate hate hate hate crowds! but i like new clothes. im never going to see the people again so might as well get mean an just push. i also have to buy some people's birthday presents. but im broke idk how im going to pull this off. no i will not shoplift. D: i get to spend tomorrow with my best friend though! i miss this girl. :) you better pull through with our fantastic plan. muahahah movie delight.
and then on saturday is dee's party. i challenged him to a dodgeball game. bad idea now he wants to pummel me to the ground. 'no mercy on a girl' he says. no worries if i lose ill just say it's his birthday present i have no idea what to get him anyway ahahaha. is november and september like baby boom months? so many people's birthdays are in these months it makes people go broke.
so tomorrow i must get up really early. around 7 or something. have to pick up bannana. oo gosh...i will get no sleep i should turn in early. he never picked up his phone. even though he wanted me to call wth. oh well w/e ill catch you tomorrow. :) goodnight! sleeptight sweet dreams.
happy thanksgiving! the day where you eat the most and get lots of food you only get once a year. my aunt is japanese so every year we have turky, chinese food and sushi. THE BEST. ahahaha. the only downside is that all my cousins are 20+ and it's so awkward. i just sit there and wait. and wait. not very close with family at all. ahahaha. and apparently i have more cousins. that i never knew about and they speak some language i cannot decipher. i dont even know thier names i forgot to ask them...
and tomorrow should prove to be epic. epic fail. im going to go crazy tomorrow pushing and cursing no doubt. ahahaha. i hate hate hate hate crowds! but i like new clothes. im never going to see the people again so might as well get mean an just push. i also have to buy some people's birthday presents. but im broke idk how im going to pull this off. no i will not shoplift. D: i get to spend tomorrow with my best friend though! i miss this girl. :) you better pull through with our fantastic plan. muahahah movie delight.
and then on saturday is dee's party. i challenged him to a dodgeball game. bad idea now he wants to pummel me to the ground. 'no mercy on a girl' he says. no worries if i lose ill just say it's his birthday present i have no idea what to get him anyway ahahaha. is november and september like baby boom months? so many people's birthdays are in these months it makes people go broke.
so tomorrow i must get up really early. around 7 or something. have to pick up bannana. oo gosh...i will get no sleep i should turn in early. he never picked up his phone. even though he wanted me to call wth. oh well w/e ill catch you tomorrow. :) goodnight! sleeptight sweet dreams.
listening to: AIM IMs
hmmmm. LAST DAY OF VOLLEYBALL. i made it! ahaha. even though i didnt get an A. oh well. i got A LOT better in volleyball, that's for sure. and before i didnt even know how to bump it. yaaay go me. :) however im planning to never do it again. ahahaha. rugball up next. hopefully i can play that. i can fair at any other game beside volleyball. ive gotten good enough so that i was one of the best players. on C court. good enought ill take that ahahaha.
the weather is getting colder. christmas is near. i love this time of holidays. it means more food and less nagging. everyone's happy. :) but i dont like dealing with the shopping. the crowds are so thick and i end up pushing hella people and end up in a bad mood. ahahaha.
the days have been fine. nothing going on much. marching band season ended. last one at merced 2nd place in our division whoooo. hopefully we'll do better next year. yeah? :) i feel like we put in way more uneeded effort and way less fun this year. and that buggs me. next year bring a camera to every practice and comp! lots of pictures and memories. :)
so concert band has started. many people have switched instruments. idk it's wierd to me that my friends are switching. it's like they're moving away. idk. but i stuck to flute. ahaha. and the songs this year are so challenging! but im sure we can play it if we practice long enough. ahaha. the people this year are really good. the freshamn are good. thier sightreading was way better than ours. D: that shames me a little ahahaha.
and omg my english teacher cracks me up. he's so hilarious. it's like one of the two classes i really look forward to every day. and it's in the morning too so it wakes me up. he cheating on jack emery. so far we've hit a thousand cans and the competition has barely started. >:) a thousand cans and amost 500 dollars. and like, 10 toys. awesome. i only donated 5 bucks. LOL. i dont feel the urge to lug ten cans to school and stick them in my locker during zero period you know?
anyway, im missing you guys in college. tomorrow ill see jessica i cant wait for that. ahahahaha. but i miss you guys. i should talk to you more. :) ok ttyl bye!
hmmmm. LAST DAY OF VOLLEYBALL. i made it! ahaha. even though i didnt get an A. oh well. i got A LOT better in volleyball, that's for sure. and before i didnt even know how to bump it. yaaay go me. :) however im planning to never do it again. ahahaha. rugball up next. hopefully i can play that. i can fair at any other game beside volleyball. ive gotten good enough so that i was one of the best players. on C court. good enought ill take that ahahaha.
the weather is getting colder. christmas is near. i love this time of holidays. it means more food and less nagging. everyone's happy. :) but i dont like dealing with the shopping. the crowds are so thick and i end up pushing hella people and end up in a bad mood. ahahaha.
the days have been fine. nothing going on much. marching band season ended. last one at merced 2nd place in our division whoooo. hopefully we'll do better next year. yeah? :) i feel like we put in way more uneeded effort and way less fun this year. and that buggs me. next year bring a camera to every practice and comp! lots of pictures and memories. :)
so concert band has started. many people have switched instruments. idk it's wierd to me that my friends are switching. it's like they're moving away. idk. but i stuck to flute. ahaha. and the songs this year are so challenging! but im sure we can play it if we practice long enough. ahaha. the people this year are really good. the freshamn are good. thier sightreading was way better than ours. D: that shames me a little ahahaha.
and omg my english teacher cracks me up. he's so hilarious. it's like one of the two classes i really look forward to every day. and it's in the morning too so it wakes me up. he cheating on jack emery. so far we've hit a thousand cans and the competition has barely started. >:) a thousand cans and amost 500 dollars. and like, 10 toys. awesome. i only donated 5 bucks. LOL. i dont feel the urge to lug ten cans to school and stick them in my locker during zero period you know?
anyway, im missing you guys in college. tomorrow ill see jessica i cant wait for that. ahahahaha. but i miss you guys. i should talk to you more. :) ok ttyl bye!
listening to: A Boy, G-Dragon
parents are the two strong figures in your life that are there but not by choice. they're annoying, nosy, hypocritical, and sometimes mean. they dont understand you. fully. and in some cultures they beat you until your back is hamburger meat. Dx they dont make sense! they're so wierd sometimes. it makes you want to say, what the F are you talking about? it's 2009! ahahah sometiems you wanna slap em in the face. -_____- like i want to do to my mommy and daddy. :D

but they're also there for you ALL the time. whether you like it or not. x) they support you for all the RIGHT reasons. and they will love you forever and ever. unless you kill thier other child. -____- i hate my brother. ahahaha. and they give you money. :D until you hit the 16 mark then it's free reign fend for youself. ahahaha. they're kicking me out to get a job. Dx but im ok with that. i dont love my parents for all the right reasons. but im growing up.
but still. i can't wait until im outta here.
parents are the two strong figures in your life that are there but not by choice. they're annoying, nosy, hypocritical, and sometimes mean. they dont understand you. fully. and in some cultures they beat you until your back is hamburger meat. Dx they dont make sense! they're so wierd sometimes. it makes you want to say, what the F are you talking about? it's 2009! ahahah sometiems you wanna slap em in the face. -_____- like i want to do to my mommy and daddy. :D

but they're also there for you ALL the time. whether you like it or not. x) they support you for all the RIGHT reasons. and they will love you forever and ever. unless you kill thier other child. -____- i hate my brother. ahahaha. and they give you money. :D until you hit the 16 mark then it's free reign fend for youself. ahahaha. they're kicking me out to get a job. Dx but im ok with that. i dont love my parents for all the right reasons. but im growing up.
but still. i can't wait until im outta here.
listening to: AIM IMs. :)
some phantom has gone loose within the band. o.o many a people's instruments are being broken. idk who it could be though. hopefully the culprit is found soon. gee this is like a video game. just waiting to see what thier next move is. lol.
hmmm. nothing much. i got a B on setting today. HA. hows that maggie? >:] ahaha jk. thanks for helping me in volleyball. i dont think i would have gotten beyond bruised arms if it werent for you. :D im starting to kinda like volleyball. keeps me otu of the cold you know? nice heated gym.
anywayyy, i was browing around big bang land, and look what ive come accross. some cute pictures. cutecute.

that is one lucky baby. ahahha.
anyway. phone just rang. i got so excited becuase i thought it was a call from one of the places i applied to. but it was some lady speaking rapid spanish. waht a let down. ahahah. it's ok.
..... Dx
some phantom has gone loose within the band. o.o many a people's instruments are being broken. idk who it could be though. hopefully the culprit is found soon. gee this is like a video game. just waiting to see what thier next move is. lol.
hmmm. nothing much. i got a B on setting today. HA. hows that maggie? >:] ahaha jk. thanks for helping me in volleyball. i dont think i would have gotten beyond bruised arms if it werent for you. :D im starting to kinda like volleyball. keeps me otu of the cold you know? nice heated gym.
anywayyy, i was browing around big bang land, and look what ive come accross. some cute pictures. cutecute.

that is one lucky baby. ahahha.
anyway. phone just rang. i got so excited becuase i thought it was a call from one of the places i applied to. but it was some lady speaking rapid spanish. waht a let down. ahahah. it's ok.
..... Dx
listening to: ---
just got back from folsom. made it to finals. won 10/10 place. whooo out of 18. so freaking tired and cold. but today [or tonight] was very fun.
nothing to say. very tired. goodnight. :D
--you guys should blog more.
just got back from folsom. made it to finals. won 10/10 place. whooo out of 18. so freaking tired and cold. but today [or tonight] was very fun.
nothing to say. very tired. goodnight. :D
--you guys should blog more.
listening to: ---
today so far is so boring. hwk and cleaning house. but the rest of the time i had allowed me to sit down and just think. and relax. and lay and bed. and i realize something. and that's that nothing is ever satisfying. not any music, not any friend, not any accomplishment satisfys me. and i dont know what that last thing i need to fill up that emptyness is. kinda frustrating. i dont even know if it's possible. will satisfaction ever come? now? in the future? when. and i dont know if anyone else has ever experienced that. i mean, seeing so many people's problems they've been hiding for forever come out this year. it's kinda surprising and catching me off guard. how long have my friends gone through this? how long have they been holding in? wow i feel blind.
what would i do if i could turn back time? i would give up my time and turn back time for others. becuase really my problems are like a speck in the wind compared to yours. my wound will only get deeper if i see the ones around me crying and hurting. don't be sad. how hypocritical of me.
today so far is so boring. hwk and cleaning house. but the rest of the time i had allowed me to sit down and just think. and relax. and lay and bed. and i realize something. and that's that nothing is ever satisfying. not any music, not any friend, not any accomplishment satisfys me. and i dont know what that last thing i need to fill up that emptyness is. kinda frustrating. i dont even know if it's possible. will satisfaction ever come? now? in the future? when. and i dont know if anyone else has ever experienced that. i mean, seeing so many people's problems they've been hiding for forever come out this year. it's kinda surprising and catching me off guard. how long have my friends gone through this? how long have they been holding in? wow i feel blind.
what would i do if i could turn back time? i would give up my time and turn back time for others. becuase really my problems are like a speck in the wind compared to yours. my wound will only get deeper if i see the ones around me crying and hurting. don't be sad. how hypocritical of me.
listening to: legend of zelda music becuase i'm playing it. :D
omg. legend of zelda is the best video game ever. it's so time consuming and fun. it's a good way to soak up the time. i've gone crazy for it i've even looked up when the next one is coming out. 2010.. so long. :( it looks exciting though. ahahha.
i know what you mean wilson. there's nothing really exciting to blog about...
I HAVE SO (kinda) GOTTEN BETTER IN VOLLEYBALL. me and si-yao bumped passed to fifteen today which is really really good on our part. ms.osborne said it was a miracle. ... but i feel like i really really suck while playing on a team. at least on maggie's team. when i play on julia's im like the best. im not trying to be concieted but i hate it when it's like, you're too good to be in one place, but not good enought to be on a high place. like the B and C courts. im inbetween. that sucks. ugh. idk how im going to pass the volleyball final. ms.osborne saw me set and said it was like a four. that's better than a zero and a 'YOU SUCK!':p ms.osborne looooves me. idk.
and the show's gotten way better too. im pretty happy with it now. the freshman are soo much better. they're really good at playing music. some are better than me. but they just can't march. :l the only thing i'm sad about is that we didn't put in many visuals. so it's not very exciting to perform. maybe next year. we only have two more competitions left! omg!! folsom!! :DD sweepstakes fosho.
mochi's joining MB next year. whoooo!
uhhhh... :l yeah well. day off tomorrow! feels good. 10 weeks without break. i think we all need one. hopefully when we come back we'll be refreshed and relaxed and ready to start again. hopefully thursday will treat me well. :D
omg. legend of zelda is the best video game ever. it's so time consuming and fun. it's a good way to soak up the time. i've gone crazy for it i've even looked up when the next one is coming out. 2010.. so long. :( it looks exciting though. ahahha.
i know what you mean wilson. there's nothing really exciting to blog about...
I HAVE SO (kinda) GOTTEN BETTER IN VOLLEYBALL. me and si-yao bumped passed to fifteen today which is really really good on our part. ms.osborne said it was a miracle. ... but i feel like i really really suck while playing on a team. at least on maggie's team. when i play on julia's im like the best. im not trying to be concieted but i hate it when it's like, you're too good to be in one place, but not good enought to be on a high place. like the B and C courts. im inbetween. that sucks. ugh. idk how im going to pass the volleyball final. ms.osborne saw me set and said it was like a four. that's better than a zero and a 'YOU SUCK!':p ms.osborne looooves me. idk.
and the show's gotten way better too. im pretty happy with it now. the freshman are soo much better. they're really good at playing music. some are better than me. but they just can't march. :l the only thing i'm sad about is that we didn't put in many visuals. so it's not very exciting to perform. maybe next year. we only have two more competitions left! omg!! folsom!! :DD sweepstakes fosho.
mochi's joining MB next year. whoooo!
uhhhh... :l yeah well. day off tomorrow! feels good. 10 weeks without break. i think we all need one. hopefully when we come back we'll be refreshed and relaxed and ready to start again. hopefully thursday will treat me well. :D
listening to: オラ Yeah!, big bang
wow, i haven't blogged in a LONG time. i miss it. i'm up to 96 blog posts. yes, i'm keeping track. ahaha. idk if anyone's still reading my blog. it's been awhile, and most of them are in college now. ....
anyway. ive been in a slump. kinda like, avoid avoid through internet. kinda unavoidable in public. ive gotten a lot close to my music though. most of my time is dedicated to fining new songs now. music obsessed. :) im learning how to deal with the stresses that are born a long with you in life.
you can say i'm way less tolerant now. -___- not a very happy joy joy attribute to obtain. i get pissed off a lot more easily now. i may not show it, but there is that one person i always consult with. i can't stand a lot of you guys and you dont even know. :) ahahahaha.
anywayyy, i miss you guys. how's life on blogspot? exciting? ahaha. you guys don't blog much. wtf. -____-
bleeahhhhhhh -______________________________________- my favorite face. :D
thank you though. becuase i know that most of you that read my blogs are real caring people. i know who are real friends in this world. you people are the kind of people i look up to every day. thank you.
wow, i haven't blogged in a LONG time. i miss it. i'm up to 96 blog posts. yes, i'm keeping track. ahaha. idk if anyone's still reading my blog. it's been awhile, and most of them are in college now. ....
anyway. ive been in a slump. kinda like, avoid avoid through internet. kinda unavoidable in public. ive gotten a lot close to my music though. most of my time is dedicated to fining new songs now. music obsessed. :) im learning how to deal with the stresses that are born a long with you in life.
you can say i'm way less tolerant now. -___- not a very happy joy joy attribute to obtain. i get pissed off a lot more easily now. i may not show it, but there is that one person i always consult with. i can't stand a lot of you guys and you dont even know. :) ahahahaha.
anywayyy, i miss you guys. how's life on blogspot? exciting? ahaha. you guys don't blog much. wtf. -____-
bleeahhhhhhh -______________________________________- my favorite face. :D
thank you though. becuase i know that most of you that read my blogs are real caring people. i know who are real friends in this world. you people are the kind of people i look up to every day. thank you.
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